Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wilderness Trek Adventures

Two weeks ago, 13 High School students and 4 adults from Impact embarked on a spiritual journey up Mt. Hope in Colorado. It is a wonderful experience which breaks the kids down and gives them a chance to rely on God and each other. Below are some pictures and two accounts of the experience the kids had.

My week was so fun and exciting her Wilderness Trek. The guides were so caring towards us and throughout the entire week they showed their love to us. The first day we got there, the guides were real excited to see us it was the best welcome ever. Going up to low campsite was easy, but I got tired and real exhausted. Once we got there to low camp we saw some houses that were historical monuments. It was real awesome and amazing. The next day we woke up real early to get to high campsite as soon as possible so we can rest and eat. Even though most of us had struggles we all helped each other and we all encouraged one another. I was real tired and I was also sick, I got real pale at least that is what I was told and I also blacked out at one point. I got better after I ate and rested a little at high camp. 

Once we got to high camp everybody was tired but happy at the same time because we had finally made it there after 7 hours of hiking. The next day we had “Solo Day” as they call it which gives a time to be by ourselves with God. I had time to read the Bible, pray, and meditate on my mistakes and relax a bit. We played a bit afterwards with an aerobie which is like a Frisbee. It was so fun playing aerobie up there on the mountain with our guides. 

The summit day came and we were all relaxed and not tired any more. We were ready to reach the top already and everybody was trying to have fun with each other and helping each other. Even though we didn’t get to the top of the mountain because of the weather, we all had a great time anyway. We came back down and went to relax in a hot springs pool. I’m so excited to come next and see all those cool guides if God lets us.

-Enrique Gonzalez

My week for the trip had been like Dr. Pepper because it is so awesome you can’t even describe it. Hiking onto Mt. Hope was a challenge because I thought it was small enough to hike, or something like that. Living in the wilderness makes me feel like I’m in the Hunger Games, but instead, we were working all together to reach the summit of the mountain. There were times when I should’ve given up because I could see myself sweating and begging for a thirst of a break, but I kept going because I was hoping the natural pain killers would kick in. 

When the big packs were packed on me, I wasn’t really used to the weight because when there were steep hills, I slowed down because the weight kept pushing me down. When we were nearly at the summit, it was a beautiful view because even though it was freezing cold, I felt accomplished. The one activity I liked was finishing my book on the Glass Castle because it taught me a lesson of together we stand, divided we fall. When we were hiking back to the vans, my luck just came in because many bad things happened, but I moved along with it. Lastly I felt like a zombie because I wanted to drop dead gorgeous on the vans.

-Edward Herrera

I get such a kick out of getting my kids out of their element and challenging them spiritually and physically. At the end of the week, they decided they would wash their guides' dirty nasty feet since it is a important thing for them to have good feet. I truly have the best job in the world, not because I get to take cool trips to the mountains of Colorado and the beaches of South Padre every summer, but because I get to see the growth of so many sweet kids.

Grace & Peace.

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