Wednesday, October 19, 2011

M&M's bad day

I sit in my chair tonight, fairly sad. I got home a little while ago from a very rough route ride home. It was a full route tonight, and everyone seemed to be wild tonight. One in particular was one of my middle schoolers I jokingly call M&M and she calls me JJ. The night began with me seeing her get yelled at by her mother and grandmother. She was then loud and obviously unhappy to see me tonight, which could be since I wouldn't let her come last week because she acted so badly the week before that.

All of the time at church, M&M would not stop talking or listen to any of the adults. After class tonight when M&M was finished in middle school, she began to yell at me about different things and give me attitude. All the way home nothing changed, she still would yell and be just outright defiant towards me. I had already decided that she would not be coming back next week and knew I'd have to talk to her grandmother. Once we arrived at her house, she knew what was coming, and begged me not to tell. But I had to.

I knew what would happen, I knew she would probably be beaten tonight; She knew that too. That fact gave me little comfort. I know about some of the abuse that M&M has experienced. I know some of the evil things that have happened to her. Because I know these things, it doesn't surprise me when she acts out, or when she hates men.

I wish there was a nice happy ending to this post, but there's not. I will be sad tonight. I will pray tonight. And I will hope for a better day for both M&M and JJ tomorrow.

Grace. Peace.