It has been a long quiet spell here on this blog. A lot has happened in my life in the past few months. A lot of great things are in store for me personally and as a minister. As many of you are probably aware of I am now engaged to a wonderful girl, Michael Lemmons. It's very exciting! If you want to see the video here's the link: Honduras Proposal. We'll be tying the knot in May.
Along with that excitement, Michael and I will also be moving to Tegucigalpa, Honduras sometime in the late summer. We will be working with the Breaking Chains Honduras team there which Michael has been involved with for the past 16 months. This is their link: Breaking Chains. There I will take care of their worship on Sundays, working with their youth and families on a daily basis among other various projects. I am excited to be a part of the community at Breaking Chains. Developing communites spiritually is an interest I have gained in my time pursuing my M.Div and at Impact. I look forward to creating healthy bonds of community and as a church as we aid the residents out of poverty and into other homes and communities.
This transition is difficult for us because we love Impact dearly. It is where we met and were formed as ministers and directors in the church. With that said, we are excited about all of the ministry that we will be able to do together in Honduras. I'll defer to her latest newsletter to give you more information, it is attached below. Soon this blog and facebook page will be no more, but I encourage you to follow Breaking Chains on facebook and to be on the lookout for a new blog about Honduras with both me and Michael.
Grace & Peace.